San Antonio Shell Club

This page was developed to keep you informed of upcoming shell-related events. If the event has an accompanying website, you can click on the picture in the left column to go to that website.

Announcing the
2016 Texas Sheller's Jamboree
Friday, April 22 and Saturday, April 23, 2016

This year, the Texas Sheller's Jamboree will take place at:

Brazosport Museum of Natural Science

The museum is located at 400 College Blvd in Clute, Texas and is a part of the Center for the Arts and Sciences of the Brazosport College.

Click the link below to access the official webpage for the 2016 Sheller's Jamboree. On that page is all the information you will need, including the Cover Letter, Registration Form, the Shell Exhibit Categories, Maps, and links to nearby hotels and food.

Click Here!